Worksheets & Infographics

General Anxiety | Depression | Mental Health


General Anxiety


Window of Tolerance Infographic

The window of tolerance is a balanced calm state of mind where you can deal with the demands of life. Stress and anxiety cause you to dysregulate, leaving you with fight, flight, or freeze responses.

Window of Tolerance Awareness Worksheet

Awareness is the first step in learning to manage and control your stress and anxiety. Identify symptoms of hyperarousal and hypoarousal to build awareness when you leave your window of tolerance.

Challenge Anxious Thoughts Worksheet

Worry and anxiety are a normal part of daily life. Excessive worrying or anxiety can take a toll on your emotional wellbeing and be exhausting. Thankfully, there are 5 simple steps to manage your worries.


15 Common Cognitive Distortions Infographic

Cognitive distortions are negative thought patterns that distort your perception of reality and influence your emotions. Here are 15 common distorted thinking traps with examples.

Challenge 15 Common Cognitive Distortions Infographic

Are you stuck in one of the common distorted thoughts? Learn how to challenge 15 common irrational thought patterns and reframe the cognitive errors in positive and healthy ways.

Challenge Automatic Negative Thoughts Worksheet

It can be difficult to overcome automatic negative thoughts when our minds are on autopilot and follow negative habitual patterns. Learn to alter automatic thinking to be more rational and positive.



Get Your Daily Happiness Chemicals Infographic

There are four brain chemicals that make you feel good. By understanding how each of the chemicals affects your body, you can leverage them by naturally improving happiness levels.

Overstimulation of Happiness Infographic

Overstimulation of happiness chemicals leads to desensitization. Learn to prevent overstimulation which actually leads to increased effects of the happiness chemicals.


 Mental Health


Health Triangle Assessment Worksheet

The health triangle consists of three interlinked states. If one state is out of balance, the other two are affected. Evaluate and illustrate your Physical, Mental, and Social health.

COVID19 Mental Health Self-Care Worksheet

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing a lot of stress and anxiety. It’s more important we continue to take care of yourself. Practice these self-care activities to maintain your well being.

COVID19 Mental Health Worksheet for Children and Teens

Children and teens can experience a wide range of strong emotions during the pandemic. Parents can play an important role for them and support their needs.


Mental Health Awareness Infographic

1 in 5 people experience a mental illness this year, but 1 in 3 will experience a mental illness in their lifetime. Let's bring awareness to mental health and the impacts it has on those around us.

End the Stigma Infographic

Stigma is one of the main reasons why people with mental illnesses don’t seek mental health services. The reality of stigma affects everyone around us, so let’s bring awareness and end the stigma.